Occupational Skills Profiles


Since 2007 the Education Policy Centre have been developing a new concept of qualification profiles as a comprehensive and standardised way how to describe requirements of a specific occupation (or occupational group, sector, and even a whole economy) concerning education, qualification and personal qualities of prospective job holders. When applied to project Forecasting of skill supply and demand in Europe to 2020, the new concept is referred to as occupational skills profiles.

An occupational skills profile summarises essential characteristics required for a given job: the level of education and training required (and hence the complexity of the occupation); the field of education and training required; main and supplementary requirements concerning knowledge, skills, personal abilities, attitudes and values. More details can be found in attached document.

      OSP Methodology


kvalifikacni potreby



zebricky VS


Vysokoškolské vzdělávání v ČR: NABÍDKA A POPTÁVKA

Analýza vzdělávání

Kvalita II

Přidaná hodnota ve vzdělávání


Středisko vzdělávací politky
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150 00 Praha 5